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Grassy Narrows protège son territoire. Joignez-vous aux membres de sa communauté et passez à l'action !


Le territoire ancestral de Grassy Narrows est menacé par les activités d'exploitation minière. La communauté le défend de ces développements industriels. Plus tôt cette année, soutenue par ses partisans, elle a contraint une compagnie à retirer sa demande d'exploitation minière. Toutefois, la communauté vient tout juste de découvrir l'existence de plusieurs autres permis !

Joignez-vous à Grassy Narrows pour contribuer à l'arrêt de toutes ces activités minières sur son territoire.

Dites au gouvernement de l'Ontario de résilier immédiatement tous ces permis et mettre fin aux activités minières sur le territoire de Grassy Narrows.

Le gouvernement ontarien a distribué près de 4 000 concessions et permis concernant le territoire de Grassy Narrows. Soit de nombreux sites de forage qui perturberaient les zones de chasse et de pêche traditionnelles. Les membres de Grassy Narrows connaissent les conséquences de la pollution industrielle sur la terre et l'eau. Ils ont déjà fait face aux barrages hydroélectriques, à la coupe à blanc et à l'empoisonnement au mercure. C'est exactement pour cette raison qu'ils militent, afin qu'aucun membre de la communauté ne soit empoisonné à nouveau à cause du développement de l'industrie. 

Grassy Narrows déclare son territoire comme une aire protégée

En 2018, le territoire de Grassy Narrows est déclaré par sa communauté comme une aire protégée et de conservation autochtone. La « Grassy Narrows Land Declaration » (Déclaration pour la reconnaissance du territoire de Grassy Narrows) stipule que Grassy Narrows doit être en mesure de prendre ses propres décisions concernant l'utilisation de son territoire. Les membres de Grassy Narrows ont demandé à toutes les communautés de les soutenir afin de faire valoir et de faire respecter leur souveraineté ainsi que cette déclaration. Pour lire la déclaration complète, cliquez sur le lien suivant : (en anglais). Cette déclaration a été incorporée à la loi de Grassy Narrows. 

Le moment est venu pour l'Ontario de reconnaître cette déclaration et d'annuler toutes les activités du secteur minier sur le territoire ancestral de Grassy Narrows.

Joignez-vous à nos membres et appuyez Grassy Narrows

Grassy Narrows

People protesting in the street

Ben & Jerry's s'est associée à la Première Nation Asubpeeschoseewagong, également connue sous le nom de la Première Nation de Grassy Narrows, une communauté ojibwée du nord de l'Ontario. La communauté est située le long de la rivière Wabigoon au cœur de la forêt boréale du Canada. La rivière possède un énorme bassin d'évacuation qui alimente plusieurs lacs et abrite une grande variété de poissons. La forêt, quant à elle, offre un habitat naturel aux animaux, qui constituent une partie de la consommation alimentaire des membres de la communauté. 

La communauté de Grassy Narrows a milité contre l'expansion industrielle à de nombreuses reprises, notamment en établissant un barrage contre l'exploitation forestière (une des plus grandes actions autochtones) ainsi qu'en organisant des marches de plusieurs jours à Toronto pour réclamer justice face au déversement des déchets de mercure dans les rivières. 

Grassy Narrows est une communauté composée d'aînés, de jeunes et de dirigeants élus qui sont unis et qui partagent des objectifs communs afin de protéger leur territoire, leurs sources d'eau et leur mode de vie. Nous souhaitons participer à leur combat pour défendre les territoires et les droits autochtones.

Joignez-vous à la communauté de Grassy Narrows dans leur lutte pour la justice contre le mercure, la coupe à blanc et l'exploitation minière. Apprenez-en davantage sur Grassy Narrows : inscrivez-vous à son infolettre et recevez à l'occasion des informations sur les situations et les actions à venir. 



  • L’exploitation minière est une industrie extractive de l’environnement qui aura inévitablement des conséquences sur la forêt boréale locale ainsi que ses nombreux lacs et rivières. Il est important de considérer l’ensemble des impacts environnementaux à travers le cycle de vie d’une mine. Cela comprend les sites de forage, les agrandissements de route, les lignes de transmission, les déchets miniers ainsi que les bassins de résidus qui auront un impact sur l’écosystème local. Après la fermeture d’une mine, les sociétés minières tentent souvent de restaurer le territoire, mais restaurer dans son entièreté un écosystème qui a été créé sur des centaines d’années est une tâche ardue (voire pratiquement impossible). C’est la raison pour laquelle la protection de cette région contre l’exploitation minière est si importante pour la communauté de Grassy Narrows et pour les autres communautés autochtones locales, puisqu’elles comptent sur les eaux et les terres en tant que zones de chasse et de pêche.   

    C’est pourquoi il n’est pas seulement question d’exploitation minière, mais aussi des droits autochtones et d’autodétermination. Les communautés devraient avoir le droit de prendre leurs propres décisions en ce qui concerne les projets industriels qui ont lieu sur leur territoire. Même la déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones(DNUDPA) stipule que les communautés autochtones devraient être informées des projets industriels ainsi que de leurs impacts environnementaux, et ensuite avoir le droit de consentir à ces projets ou non.  

  • Ben & Jerry’s encourage depuis longtemps les supporteurs en fonction de nos trois valeurs fondamentales: 1) Justice sociale et économique, 2) Droits de la personne et dignité, et 3) Protection, restauration et régénération de l’environnement. Soutenir les droits des autochtones et leur souveraineté s’inscrit non seulement dans les trois valeurs fondamentales de Ben & Jerry’s, mais aussi dans les  94 appels à l’action qui visent les institutions canadiennes et la société civile afin « d’avancer le processus de réconciliation ».  

  • Le « territoire ancestral » fait référence à une région qui est utilisée et accessible aux personnes depuis plusieurs générations. Par exemple, lorsqu’on parle du « territoire ancestral de Grassy Narrows », nous parlons du territoire utilisé et accessible aux membres de la communauté (pour l’alimentation, l’eau, les pratiques culturelles et plus encore) depuis des milliers d’années.  Cela va au-delà des maisons, des bâtiments et des écoles qui forment les villages et les villes. Plutôt, le territoire ancestral de la communauté est considérablement plus grand et demeure des terres qui sont liées aux personnes et aux communautés. 

  • La dépossession des terres des populations autochtones au Canada est un long processus qui est toujours en cours. Malgré le fait qu’il existe plusieurs mécanismes qui expliquent comment la dépossession des territoires autochtones a pu être possible, l’idée de base était fondée sur la « doctrine de la découverte ». Les colons européens ont déclaré que la majorité du territoire au Canada était « inhabité », de ce fait, différents colons européens sont venus au Canada et ont proclamé la prise de possession de leurs « colonies ». Par la suite, les politiques et les pratiques mises en place ont essentiellement réduit ou détruit les territoires où les personnes autochtones vivaient, tenaient leurs cérémonies et avaient accès à de l’eau et de la nourriture. Il y a toujours de nombreuses revendications de territoires non résolues et des enjeux sur les terres débattus devant les tribunaux, ou même bloqués dans le système juridique. Tandis que l’ensemble du territoire qui forme le Canada aujourd’hui a déjà appartenu aux communautés autochtones, les réserves représentent maintenant 0,2 % de leur territoire. La balance du territoire est considérée comme le territoire appartenant « à la Couronne ». 

  • L’autodétermination est le fait qu’une personne puisse librement, sans coercition ou pression, prendre ses propres décisions. Dans le cas des communautés autochtones, l’autodétermination fait référence au pouvoir de la communauté de prendre ses propres décisions politiques, sociales et économiques sans qu’une Nation, qu’un État ou qu’une institution (comme une corporation) n’exerce de pression sur elle. La déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones comporte également de nombreuses clauses qui font référence au droit des peuples autochtones à l’autodétermination et à l’autorégulation, ce qui signifie que la communauté peut prendre ses propres décisions.  



    Standard data rates apply to participants who choose to participate in the Contest via a mobile device.  Please contact your service provider for pricing and service plan information and rates before mobile device participation. 

    1. KEY DATES: 

    The Klabona Keepers IG giveaway Contest (the “Contest”) begins on Saturday, September 29th, 2022 at 12:00pm EST and ends on October 1, 2022 at 12:00pm EST (the “Contest Period”). 


    The Contest is open only to residents of Canada (excluding Quebec) who have reached the legal age of majority in their province/territory of residence at the time of entry, except employees (current and retired), representatives or agents (and those with whom such persons are living, whether related or not) of Unilever Canada Inc. (the “Sponsor”) its distributors, representatives, agents, sponsors, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, prize suppliers, dealers, advertising/promotion agencies and any other individual(s), entity or entities involved in the development, production, implementation, administration or fulfillment of the Contest (collectively, the “Contest Parties”).    


    By participating in this Contest, you are signifying your agreement that you have read and agree to be legally bound by these Official Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”). 


    The Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram (the “Social Platform”). The Social Platform is hereby completely released of all liability by each entrant in this Contest.  Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to the Sponsor and not to the Social Platform. You may only use one (1) Instagram Account (each, an “Account” and collectively the “Accounts”) to participate in this Contest. To be eligible to earn an entry (each, an “Entry” and collectively, the “Entries”) in this Contest, your applicable Account must be set to allow your Entry to be viewed by the public and receive direct messages from the Sponsor. 

    1. HOW TO ENTER:

    NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  You can earn one (1) Entry, as follows:  

    Open to age of majority residents of Canada (excluding Quebec). One (1) prize available consisting of a Ben & Jerry’s gift pack (including but not limited to a spoon, stickers, coozies, coupons and pin) and two tickets to the Kabloona Keepers film featured at the Vancouver International Film Festival (approximate retail value: $30). Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Mathematical skill-testing question required. By entering this promotion, you acknowledge that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. Full rules and entry details, including a complete release of Instagram.

    The Prize winner is solely responsible for all costs not expressly described herein (including, but not limited to, transportation costs to and from the film festival, food and refreshments and accommodations).

    To be eligible, all content and materials associated with your Entry (collectively, the “Entry Materials”) must: (i) be submitted and received in accordance with these Rules during the Contest Period; (ii) include all required components and materials noted above; (iii) reflect the Theme; (iv) be in accordance with these Rules, including, but not limited to, the specific Submission Requirements listed below in Rule 8; and (v) be in accordance with the applicable terms, rules, policies and guidelines of the Social Platform (the “Social Platform Rules”) (all as determined by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion).  


    There is a limit of one Entry per person and Account, per day.  If it is discovered by the Sponsor (using any evidence or other information made available to or otherwise discovered by the Sponsor) that any person has attempted to: (i) exceed any of the limits stated in these Rules; and/or (ii) use multiple names, identities, email addresses, Accounts and/or any automated, macro, script, robotic or other system(s) or program(s) to enter or otherwise participate in or to disrupt this Contest; then he/she may be disqualified from the Contest in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor.  The Contest Parties, Instagram Inc., and each of their respective agents, employees, directors, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) are not responsible for, and accept no liability whatsoever in relation to, any late, lost, misdirected, delayed, incomplete or incompatible Entries and/or Entry Materials (all of which are void).  An Entry may be rejected if, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor: (i) the Entry (including, but not limited to, any associated Entry Materials) is not submitted and received in accordance with these Rules during the Contest Period; and/or (ii) the Entry Materials accompanying the Entry are not in compliance with these Rules (including, but not limited to, the specific Submission Requirements listed below in Rule 8) and/or the applicable Social Platform Rules (all as determined by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion). 


    All Entries, Entry Materials and entrants are subject to verification at any time and for any reason.  The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to require proof of identity and/or eligibility (in a form acceptable to the Sponsor – including, without limitation, government issued photo identification): (i) for the purposes of verifying an individual’s eligibility to participate in this Contest; (ii) for the purposes of verifying the eligibility and/or legitimacy of any Entry, Entry Materials and/or other information entered (or purportedly entered) for the purposes of this Contest; and/or (iii) for any other reason the Sponsor deems necessary, in its sole and absolute discretion, for the purposes of administering this Contest in accordance with the letter and spirit of these Rules.  Failure to provide such proof to the complete satisfaction of the Sponsor within the timeline specified by the Sponsor may result in disqualification in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor.  The sole determinant of the time for the purposes of this Contest will be the Sponsor’s Official Clock(s). 



    By participating in the Contest, each entrant hereby warrants and represents that any Entry Materials he/she submits:  

    1. does not contain images or likenesses of brands or products which are either competitors of the Sponsor; 
    2. is/are original to him/her and that the entrant has obtained all necessary rights in and to the Entry Materials for the purposes of entering such Entry Materials in the Contest; 
    3. does not violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation; 
    4. does not contain any reference to or likeness of any identifiable third parties, unless consent has been obtained from all such individuals and their parent/legal guardian if they are under the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence;  
    5. will not give rise to any claims whatsoever, including, without limitation, claims of infringement, invasion of privacy or publicity, or infringe on any rights and/or interests of any third party; and
    6. is/are not defamatory, trade libelous, pornographic or obscene, and further that it will not contain, depict, include, discuss or involve, without limitation, any of the following: nudity; alcohol/drug consumption or smoking; explicit or graphic sexual activity, or sexual innuendo; crude, vulgar or offensive language and/or symbols; derogatory characterizations of any ethnic, racial, sexual, religious or other groups (including, without limitation, any competitors of Sponsor); that endorses, condones and/or discusses any illegal, inappropriate or risky behaviour or conduct; personal information of individuals, including, without limitation, names, telephone numbers and addresses (physical or electronic); commercial messages, comparisons or solicitations for products or services other than products of Sponsor; any identifiable third party products, trade-marks, brands and/or logos, other than those of Sponsor (e.g. any clothing worn and/or products appearing in your Entry Materials must not contain any visible logos, trade-marks or other third party materials unless the appropriate consents have been obtained --- note: all identifiable third party products, trade-marks, brands and/or logos for which consent has not been obtained by the entrant must be blurred out so as to be unrecognizable); conduct or other activities in violation of these Rules; and/or any other materials that are or could be considered inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, all as determined by the Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion. 

    The Sponsor and/or its promotional agency or designated content moderator (the “Reviewer”) reserves the right to screen all Entry Materials.   Any Entry Materials that the Reviewer deems, in its sole and absolute discretion, to violate the terms and conditions set forth in these Rules are subject to disqualification.  The Reviewer reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion at any time and for any reason, to remove any Entry Materials (or any part thereof) and/or to request an entrant to modify, edit and/or re-submit his or her Entry Materials (or any part thereof) in order to ensure that the Entry Materials comply with these Rules, or for any other reason.   If such an action is necessary at any point during or after the Contest, then the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take whatever action it deems necessary based on the circumstances – including, without limitation, disqualifying the Entry Materials (and therefore the corresponding Entry and/or the associated entrant) – to help ensure that the Contest is being conducted in accordance with the letter and spirit of these Rules. 

    1. LICENSE: 

    By entering the Contest and submitting an Entry, each entrant: (i) without limiting the applicable Social Platform Rules, as applicable, grants to the Sponsor, in perpetuity, a non-exclusive license to publish, display, reproduce, modify, edit or otherwise use his/her Entry Materials (and each component thereof), in whole or in part, for advertising or promoting the Contest or for any other reason; (ii) waives all moral rights in and to his/her Entry Materials (and each component thereof) in favour of the Sponsor (and anyone authorized by the Sponsor to use such Entry Materials); and (iii) agrees to release and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from use of his/her Entry Materials (or any component thereof), including, without limitation, any claim based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trade-mark infringement or any other intellectual property related or other cause of action whatsoever.    

    1. PRIZES: 

    There is one (1) Prize available to be won, consisting of: One (1) prize available consisting of a Ben & Jerry’s gift pack (including but not limited to a spoon, stickers, coozies, coupons and pin) and two tickets to the Kabloona Keepers film featured at the Vancouver International Film Festival (approximate retail value: $30).

    The Prize winner is solely responsible for all costs not expressly described herein (including, but not limited to, transportation costs to and from the film festival, food and refreshments and accommodations).

    The Prize may not be sold or transferred. The Sponsor reserves the right to substitute the Prize in whole or in part in the event that all or any component of the Prize is unavailable. All characteristics and features of the Prize, except as otherwise explicitly stated above, are at the Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion.  The Prize winner is solely responsible for all costs not expressly described herein. For greater certainty and the avoidance of any doubt, no travel or related expenses are included in the Prize. 


    On October 2nd, 2022 the “Selection Date”) in Toronto, Ontario at 5:00pm EST, the Sponsor will perform a random draw from among all eligible Entries submitted and received in accordance with these Rules during the Contest Period to select the Prize winner. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible Entries submitted and received in accordance with these Rules during the Contest Period. 


    The Sponsor or its designated representative will make a minimum of three (3) attempts to contact each potential winner within two (2) business days of the Selection Date via Instagram direct message.  If an eligible winner cannot be contacted within two (2) business days of the Selection Date, or if there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; then he/she may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor, be disqualified (and, if disqualified, will forfeit all rights to a Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and time permitting, to randomly select an alternate potential Prize winner in accordance with the procedure outlined above, with the necessary amendments (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such newly selected potential winner).   


    NO ONE IS A WINNER UNLESS AND UNTIL THE SPONSOR OFFICIALLY CONFIRMS HIM/HER AS A WINNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE RULES.  BEFORE BEING DECLARED A CONFIRMED PRIZE WINNER, the potential winner will be required to: (a) correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question without mechanical or other aid (which may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor, be administered online, by email or other electronic means, by telephone, or in the Sponsor’s form of declaration and release); and (b) sign and return within two (2) business days of notification the Sponsor’s declaration and release form, which (among other things): (i) confirms compliance with these Rules; (ii) acknowledges acceptance of the Prize (as awarded); (iii) releases the Released Parties from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, his/her participation therein and/or the awarding and use/misuse of the Prize or any portion thereof, including any travel related thereto; (iv) agrees to indemnify the Released Parties against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from use of his/her Entry Materials or any portion(s) thereof; and (v) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of his/her name, address, voice, statements about the Contest and/or photograph or other likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement carried out by or on behalf of the Sponsor in any manner or medium whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the internet.   

    If the potential winner: (a) fails to correctly answer the skill-testing question; (b) fails to return the properly executed Contest documents within the specified time; (c) cannot accept (or is unwilling to accept) the Prize (as awarded) for any reason; and/or (d) is determined to be in violation of these Rules (all as determined by the Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion); then he/she will be disqualified (and will forfeit all rights to the applicable Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and time permitting, to randomly select an alternate potential Prize winner in accordance with the procedure outlined above, with the necessary amendments (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such newly selected potential winner). 


    This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.  The decisions of the Sponsor with respect to all aspects of this Contest are final and binding on all entrants without right of appeal.  ANYONE DEEMED THE SPONSOR TO BE IN VIOLATION OF THE LETTER AND/OR SPIRIT OF THESE RULES FOR ANY REASON IS SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION IN THE SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION OF THE SPONSOR AT ANY TIME.   

    The Released Parties will not be liable for: (i) any failure of any website or any platform during the Contest; (ii) any technical malfunction or other problems of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, those relating to the telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software; (iii) the failure of any Entry, Entry materials and/or other information to be received, captured or recorded for any reason whatsoever, including, but not limited to, technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website; (iv) any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer or other device related to or resulting from participating in the Contest; (v) anyone being incorrectly and/or mistakenly identified as a winner or eligible winner; and/or (vi) any combination of the above.  

    The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion , to withdraw, amend or suspend this Contest (or to amend these Rules) in any way, in the event of any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor that interferes with the proper conduct of this Contest as contemplated by these Rules, including, without limitation, any error, problem, computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or failure of any kind whatsoever.  Any attempt to undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest in any way (as determined by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion) may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.   

    The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to cancel, amend or suspend this Contest, or to amend these Rules, in any way without prior notice or obligation, in the event of any accident, printing, administrative, or other error of any kind, or for any other reason whatsoever.   

    The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to administer an alternate test of skill as it deems appropriate based on the circumstances and/or to comply with applicable law. 

    By entering this Contest, each entrant expressly consents to the Sponsor, its agents and/or representatives, storing, sharing and using the personal information submitted only for the purpose of administering the Contest and in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy (available at: ).This section does not limit any other consent(s) that an individual may provide the Sponsor or others in relation to the collection, use and/or disclosure of their personal information. 

    The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to adjust any of the dates, timeframes and/or other Contest mechanics stipulated in these Rules, to the extent deemed necessary by Sponsor, for purposes of verifying compliance by any entrant, Entry, Entry Materials and/or other information with these Rules, or as a result of any technical or other problems, or in light of any other circumstances which, in the opinion of the Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion, affect the proper administration of the Contest as contemplated in these Rules, or for any other reason. 

    In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of these English Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest-related materials, including, but not limited to, the French version of these Rules, point of sale, television, print or online advertising and/or any instructions or interpretations of these Rules given by any representative of the Sponsor, the terms and conditions of these English Rules shall prevail, govern and control to the fullest extent permitted by law. 

    The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.  In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with the terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. 

    To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Rules or the rights and obligations of participants, Sponsor or any of the other the Released Parties in connection with the Contest will be governed by and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’s laws.  The parties hereby consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Ontario in any action to enforce (or otherwise relating to) these Rules or relating to this Contest. 



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